Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Top Ten Most Significant Inventions

1. The Internet

The Internet links are computer networks all over the world so that users can share resources and communicate with each other. The Internet employs a set of standardized protocols which allow for the sharing of resources among different kinds of computers that communicate with each other on the network. Technically, no one runs the Internet. Rather, the Internet is made up of thousands of smaller networks. The Internet thrives and develops as its many users find new ways to create, display and retrieve the information that constitutes the Internet.
There are millions of applications of internet. We are in fact as dependent on internet as we are on other utility things like electricity, water etc. In fact many people would think that a part of their life is missing if they are not able to log on for even one day.

Before a few years, people used to get up in the morning and read the newspaper or watch television. Now most people log onto the internet first thing in the morning. So when internet has become so essential in our daily life, what are the things that can be done on the internet and what are its many uses? It can be used to search anything and everything. Shopping has become easier with the advent of internet. You can buy or sell online. Communication is the major role of the internet. It helps people to communicate either with the use of social networking websites or through e mails. Even chatting is a major use of the internet. Nowadays, many people search for their jobs online as it is quicker and there is a larger variety of job vacancies present. Research papers are present online which helps in the researcher doing a literature review. Now right from kinder garden children is exposed to internet and computers. They find many useful things to learn on the internet (though with supervision).

2. Computers

These days every single person is known with the word-computer. We can find computers at everywhere around us. In fact modern world will be incomplete without computers and their applications. It’s almost impossible to even imagine the modern facilities without the use of computers. For many individuals computer means PC, on which they can see movies, play games, prepare office sheets and manage daily planners. But this is just a page of the book of computers.
Computers are extremely important in the modern world of today. In the fast moving life of the modern world of today, computers hold tremendous significance. Many of us will feel crippled without a computer, as we have gotten so used to this machine. The importance of computers cannot be denied in the corporate or business world, at the work place and even in one's personal life.

In the modern work place, pen are paper are becoming extent. It will not be long, before pen and paper stop to exist altogether. Same is the case in schools and
colleges. Children today are forgetting how to write and many blame their awful hand writing on this machine which has taught everyone to type at a speed of at least 50 to 60 words per minute. The children of today have bad handwritings and the children of tomorrow may not even know how to hold a pen. Thanks to the computer.

Computer has become an important 
tool for keeping databases, filing systems, track records. It has made record keeping and account keeping much easier than it ever was. It helps an organization save tons of times. It has made data analysis extremely easy, and it can be done at a single click of the mouse.

3. Telephone

Though all the necessary technological equipment existed for making a telephone, it was only in 1861 that Reis got around to doing it. He was the first one to achieve the transmission of sound from a distance. He made a transmitter in which the electric circuit consisted of a metallic point, in contact with a metallic band, which rested on a membrane. Bell and Elisha Gray had an idea of transmitting several telegraphic messages at the same time using one electric wire. Together, they devised the principle of the harmonic telephone. Gray and Bell, however, were not able to achieve convincing results. After several attempts, on March &, 1876, Bell registered his patent and succeeded in transmitting the voice through a transmitter. The invention was commercialized at the beginning of 1877, when the first telephone exchange was built at Hartford. The first intercity connection was made between New York and Boston, in 1883.

4. Television

Today it is very common in industrialized countries for a household to have at least one television. In fact, it is so common that it is difficult to imagine a household without TV. This shows just how important television is.

First of all, there are many different types of programs on television. The viewer can watch a weather report to prepare for the day. Cartoons and sport provide relaxation and fun. School programs, documentaries and the news teach us about the world. And advertisements inform us about products and new ideas.

Secondly, the content is very appealing because it is realistic and up to date. As TV is a medium that combines moving, color images and sound, it resembles real life, so the viewers can identify with what they see. Furthermore, modern technology means that the content is up to date, for example, news reports can be broadcast live and from all over the world. This means that information is available almost anywhere at any time.

Finally, TV can be used to enhance many important aspects of everyday life. People seek entertainment and distraction, and TV can give us that in the form of films or cartoons. People want education, information and instruction because they are inquisitive and like to learn. TV gives us this in documentaries or educational programs, and in reports or cultural programs. People enjoy creativity, and TV gives us that in the work of all the people involved in creating clever film scripts, effective scenery, witty dialogues or magnificent camera shots. TV gives us the world, other cultures, other people, languages and ideas. It introduces us to knowledge.

As we have seen, television offers us a wide range of valuable programs and content and serves many purposes in our daily lives. TV not only provides many types of programs with interesting and broad content, but it also serves to fulfill our needs in terms of entertainment and knowledge. TV is an integral and vital medium today. It can contribute positively to the education of society and people’s awareness of others, and it will continue to have a strong influence for many years to come.

5. Cars

The development of cars has had an enormous effect on peoples way of life throughout most of the world. Probably no other invention, discovery, or technological advancement has created greater or more rapid changes in society.
The car has given many people freedom of movement. It enables them to decide where they want to go and when. The car influences where people live and work and how they spend their leisure time. The changes in peoples lives created by the car began in the United States, and have spread across most of the world, especially in industrialized countries.
When the cars were first produced, only the rich could afford them. Soon prices declined as production increased due to growing demand. More and more people could afford them as compared to horses and carriages which were previously used. All this resulted in the building of more and better roads which further increased travel. Cars and trucks enabled farmers to sell their goods faster and farther away, and to travel in more comfort and more often than ever before.
Before cars were developed, workers walked, cycled, or rode on railway trains or horse drawn vehicles to their jobs. But as car ownership expanded and roads improved, people began moving to the suburbs because of the freedom provided by car ownership. Factories also started being relocated to the suburbs.

6. Calculators

Calculators are available in the market in different brands from Casio, Sharp, Canon, Texas, HP, to Philips, and many more. Many other types  of calculators are obtainable in the market such as desktop, basic, dictionaries, fraction, graphic, business, scientific, financial and others. Calculators are useful tool in learning mathematics for children. In today's world, nobody has enough time to waste on calculations done manually so buying a calculator is the best choice to make as a lot of time can be saved. Especially for retailers and wholesalers, calculators are the prime necessity as their work is based on doing calculations. If one makes a mistake while calculating, this can lead to a lot of trouble, so it is always advisable to do it by using a calculator rather than doing it manually. These are available in the market in varied shapes and sizes, different features vary from model to model. The advantage of calculators made it into one powerful computing tool. The ultimate advantage that attracts the buyers is its size as it can fit into the pocket very easily. This inexpensive device can be used by people belonging to all groups.
7. Light bulb

The light bulb, in particular, deeply changed human existence by illuminating the night and making it friendly to a wide range of human activity.  The electric light, one of the everyday conveniences that most affects our lives evolved as an opportunity to engage in business and social activities at night. People became more productive and the economy flourished with the extra business hours.

8. Flying Machine

The invention of the flying machine changed the way we travel and also made traveling very comfortable. Flying machines gave us the opportunity to explore different parts of the world. Tackling emergency situations like floods became much easier. The birth of the jet age in the 1950s, man’s first steps on the moon, even Richard Branson’s just-announced commercial space tourist plan, all have their salient contribution in touching sky.


Looking the other way in the size scale is very important too. The microscope showed people the many microscopic living things, which helped the medical profession expand to what it is today. More modern microscopes have even helped us learn about things on a molecular and atomic level.
The microscope is considered one of the most useful and important scientific inventions known to 'man'. The microscope was invented by Anton van Leeuwenhoek during the seventeenth century. Leeuwenhoek was not a scientist by profession. Initially he made a living selling clothes and buttons, but spent his spare time grinding lenses and constructing microscopes of remarkable quality, such as the light microscope. The light microscope could magnify cells, for instance in plants so you could see a clearer and bigger picture of what they are made of.

10. Flash Drives

Flash drives are a relatively new technology and they are extremely convenient to have around.  Flash drives are small devices that plug into your computer’s USB port so you can store data on them.  The data is stored in a special kind of memory called “flash memory”, hence the name.  They are the modern version of the floppy disk and they hold much, much more data.  Most of them are about the size of your thumb and they are also known as “thumb drives”.  They are very inexpensive and can hold large amounts of data.  They are handy because you can transfer and use data on different computers.  This is why they are also called “Jump Drives”.  The prices can range from around $10 to $100 depending on the type and size of storage and can be purchased from most department stores or online.

The most important use is make your data portable.  I carry one constantly with me so that I can access my files and programs in class when a teachable moment arises.  You can store data as well as programs.  You can also run some operatings systems from them.   I like to use my web brower on my flash drive so all my bookmarks will go with me wherever I am.  I have many programs on my flashdrive as well as lesson plans, computer lab exercises.  Not all programs will run off of a flash drive.  They have to be modified so that all the data that is needed by the program is on the flashdrive.  Most open source software will run off the flash drive and this makes it very convenient for students and teachers.  One of my favorite sites for portable flash drive programs is found here.

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